PT Bank Central Asia Tbk - BCA
is a wellknown pivately-owned commercial banking companies in
Indonesia. The Company opened for business in 1955 and previously known
under the name of "NV Perseroan Dagang Dan Industrie Semarang Knitting
Factory." The Company operated as one of the largest bank with the
widest office networks in Indonesia. As of December 2011,
Bank BCA supported by 944 offices networks and managed over 10 million customer accounts. The Company had 8,578 units of ATM
BCA networks and more than 100,000 unit of EDC machines in all over Indonesia. Based on
Bank BCA Annual Reports 2011, in 2011 the Company continued to record its positive growth.
Bank BCA’s
net profit rose by 27.6% in 2011. The Bank also expanded its total loan
portfolio by 31.4% compared to 2010 with posted substantial loan growth
of Rp202.3 trillion across all segments in 2011.
In line with its vision, to be the bank of choice and a major pillar of the Indonesian Economy, currently
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk are looking for high talented people to joint as following positions below which will based in Pontianak Branch Office:
Frontliner (Teller/CSO)
General Requirements
- D3/S1 from all majors with GPA min 2.75
- Age 18 - 25 years old, good looking
- Not married, willing to not get married during the time period specified (as per agreement)
- Friendly, and have a good communication skill
- Willing to be placed outside the city
For further detail information, please refer official source from PT
Bank Centra Asia Tbk on following link below. Should you are interested
and qualified, please submit your complete application to following
address below. Closing date 23 November 2012. Only short-listed
candidates will be invited for test and interview.
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk
KC Pontianak - Jl A Yani 6 Pontianak
Official Source
Lowongan Kerja 2013
Title:Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Central Asia Tbk - Frontliner BCA Recruitment D3, S1
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22 reviews